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Closure Information


Since joining the Bishop Konstant Catholic Academy Trust (BKCAT) in March 2021, Holy Family school leaders and Trust Directors have worked tirelessly to improve the school’s education provision and financial position. Pupil numbers have been declining over the past 5 years and despite the best efforts of the school, trust and its current and previous governing bodies, there are now only 298 children on roll out of an expected 425.

Following considerable intervention and mitigation to improve the financial position of the school following its Academy conversion to the Trust, the Directors of Bishop Konstant Catholic Academy Trust (BKCAT) in conjunction with the school’s Trust Intervention Board and the Diocese of Leeds have had to reluctantly consider the closure of The Holy Family Catholic High School on grounds of financial viability. We have spent 12 months discussing all possible solutions with the Diocese, DFE, ESFA and Local Authorities and we have consequently reached the difficult decision to close the school by 31st August 2025.

Holy Family School is, and will continue to be, a special place for the whole community for this school year. We will remain committed to delivering the highest standard of education and to supporting the pupils, families and staff to ensure that support is provided during this difficult period of transition.

This webpage will act as a central hub for information and correspondence relating to the closure. Please expand the tabs for further reading.

Key information

Listening period comments

DfE guidance on the process of school closure requires a “Listening Period” which is an opportunity for key stakeholders to provide their comments. The Listening Period will run from 23rd September 2024 to 18th October 2024.

To provide your comments please complete the Microsoft form below. Comments must be received by 4.00 pm on 18th October 2024.

Please note that individual responses will not be provided and feedback on comments submitted will be provided on the website once the listening period is concluded.

Listening period- Comment submission

Parent/Carer meetings

Meetings are planned with parents/carers. Letter to parents highlighting the details of these meetings have been circulated via email. Parents/carers who have lost or misplaced their letter should email or call the school for parent meeting details.

As detailed within the letter sent to all parents/carers, parents are encouraged to submit their questions ahead of the meeeting. Please follow the link below or scan the QR code to submit questions.

Question submission- Parent meetings

School places

The Trust’s overriding priority is to minimise disruption for pupils through the closure process and provide them with the best opportunity for high quality education in future. Holy Family School will look to work with pupils’ new schools to support a smooth transition.   The school remains fully committed to providing the best standard of education possible for pupils who choose to remain at the school through to final closure.

North Yorkshire Council and East Riding Council will be writing separately to all parents/carers who reside in their areas to advise you of the next steps when applying for a school place. For those who do not reside in either of these areas, the Trust has written to the other Local Authorities so that they can provide support for you. We are also liaising with the Catholic Diocese for families who wish to seek places at an alternative Catholic school and with other high schools in our area.


SEND pupils

For parents/carers who have a child/children with an EHCP in place, or are currently going through assessments or application process it is planned that a designated SEND person will be released by the LA’s to conduct interim review meetings with parents to place students in a school suitable to their needs. The school SENDCo will receive additional interim support from the SENDCos across the Trust over the coming year.

Uniform support

To help parents avoid additional cost, they will be supported by the Trust to purchase new school uniforms. Further details will be shared at a later date.


Catholic provision and Lourdes

The Diocese offers support through the family Catechesis for Catholic families regarding sacramental preparations, Lourdes or access to supplementary Catholic education please contact

Important website links and contacts


Why has this happened?

The reasons for the decision to close The Holy Family Catholic High School relate to long-term issues with low pupil numbers resulting in financial difficulties.

The factors which have been considered are:

  • A drop in pupil numbers within the local demographic and at the school
  • Future financial viability of the school
  • Ability to continue to provide pupils with a standard of education they deserve.

The school is based in a rural area where fewer families with young people are choosing to live. Nearby schools with reliable and frequent transport options are more appealing to prospective families.

The school has worked hard to maintain and improve standards, but the national and local contexts indicate that there is little prospect of pupil numbers increasing to alter the situation.  Changes to school transport funding underlie the trends in pupil numbers, which have been exacerbated by the cost-of-living crisis.


What are the current pupil numbers?

There are currently 298 pupils on roll out of an expected 425.

Why are pupil numbers important to the financial viability of a school?

Schools are funded, in the main, based on the number of pupils on roll.  The fewer pupils they have on roll the less funding they get from the Government. Most of the school’s overheads are the same, regardless of the number of pupils that they have. When schools have fewer pupils and receive less funding this eventually creates a deficit, which means that schools spend more than they bring in.

What if my child is in year 11? Does this affect their application to colleges?

Parental meetings relevant to the year groups are planned and will be detailed within correspondence to parents for any further information

Year 11 pupils will be able to remain at the school until it closes fully in August 2025.  They will be given maximum support to achieve the best possible outcomes in their GCSE examinations.

Pupils in Year 11 who wish to continue their education in a Sixth Form or college will need to apply for a place as normal.

What will happen next?

The school will continue to work with relevant local authorities, schools, and Trusts to ensure that support is provided and the best possible outcomes are achieved for all members of Holy Family’s school community by the proposed closure date of 31st August 2025 with an aim for all  pupils to have a school place secured for September 2025.

Face to face parent/carer meetings will be held. Please see the letter for more information on times and dates. The meetings will cover next steps for parents/carers. Further events and communications will take place throughout the year to ensure that pupil transition is as smooth as possible.



My child has a place in the TMP – what should I do?

Notice on the TMP was given on 15 May 2024 to North Yorkshire Local Authority.  The LA will identify suitable provision for pupils who attend the resource. The school and Trust will work with the Local Authority to support transition of pupils to other provisions.

How has the requires improvement Ofsted judgement impacted the school?

The school was recently inspected by Ofsted and received a requires improvement judgement.  Schools which are judged by Ofsted as requires improvement need extra support to drive forward the recommended actions, which comes at a cost. The school is continuing its work to constantly improve the quality of education that pupil's receive.


My child has just started year 10 and their GCSE subject options- What should I do?

East Riding and North Yorkshire LAs have been provided with pupil data and are aware of the situation and are preparing for the re-location of pupils.  Admission arrangements will be co-ordinated by the relevant local authority.

The relevant local authority Admission Team will continue to work with families to try and meet their individual preferences.